
  American Cyborg

An Artist Collective & Art Archiving Company

Founded in New York City January 1st 2015
Incorporated in New York State May 24th 2017

American Cyborg was founded and incorporated in New York because we love the state and believe in being part of its stewardship. Community engagement, patronage of the arts, and ecological sustainability are at the heart of our business. We invest in local artists. Our events showcase NYC's diversity and talent, and our platforms foster community. We believe in health and well-being in the workplace.


Our Founders

Our Collaborators


Our Philosophy

We are committed to playing a part in transforming our city to meet the NYC Mayor’s Office of Sustainability goals of generating zero waste and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Join us by following GreeNYC’s small steps for making an impact.


Our Policy

We maintain best practices in privacy and security. To protect both ourselves and our community, we default to the web standards set by California and the European Union.