Knot 0 - Overhand Knot
Knot 0 - Space Within
The Overhand Knot represents the Space Within. Before sitting down to work, take three Ocean Breaths — inhale deep through the nose, expand the belly with air, exhale with a woosh through the mouth. Give three Sun Salutations — plant the feet, stretch the arms way up above the head, swan-dive down to touch the toes.
Knot 1 - Square Knot
Knot 1 - Magic Circle
The Square Knot represents the Magic Circle. When we step inside the circle, we agree to a set of rules and rituals. Check the website regularly to ensure the best understanding. Try to make our time together fun, and to represent the team well.
Knot 2 - Bowline Knot
Knot 2 - Cascading Style
The Bowline Knot represents Cascading Style. Each project should tie together the past, present, and the future. Have a contextual awareness of the voice and formatting of our corpus. Help establish the cohesive aesthetic bond.
Knot 3 - Sheet Bend
Knot 3 - Information Index
The Sheet Bend represents the Information Index. Our Archive is our temple, and the Index is its map. Give each project a folder, and keep at least two text files: a casual, inclusive one; and a formal, edited one.
Knot 4 - Clove Hitch
4. Annotating Everything
The Clove Hitch represents Annotating Everything. Comment your code, add aura to your papers, add metadata to the machine.
Knot 5 - Fishing Knot
Knot 5 - Effective Outreach
The Fishing Knot represents Effective Outreach. Practice “over and out” signaling — message sent does not mean message received. Address all points within a message chain. Close or maintain all open threads.
Knot 6 - Taut-Line Hitch
Knot 6 - Having Empathy
The Taut-Line Hitch represents Having Empathy. Try your level best to do no harm to yourself, the team, or the planet.
Knot 7 - Running Knot
Knot 7 - Having Patience
The Running Knot represents Having Patience. Take your time; know your strengths and limits. Measure twice and cut once. Look to the garden, and learn to see and appreciate slow growth in your skillsets.
Knot 8 - Figure 8 Knot
Knot 8 - Having Gratitude
The Figure 8 Knot represents Having Gratitude. Take time to appreciate living in New York. Remember we are the first people to have access to so much new technology. Be kind and generous to yourself and our team.
Knot 9 - Lariat Loop
Knot 9 - Resting and Resetting
The Lariat Loop represents Resting and Resetting. File completed reports. Resolve problems with grace and careful listening. Step out of the Magic Circle when you are finished. Give your mind and body time and space away.
0. Overhand
Sacred Space
Remember the Human
Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)
Ocean Breath (Ujjayi)
1. Square Knot
Magic Circle
Follow the Rules
Make it Fun
Represent the Team
2. Bowline
Cascading Style Guide
Past, Present & Future
Contextual Awareness
Cohesive Bond
3. Sheet Bend
File to Code
Archive is Our Temple
Comprehensive Version > Many Drafts
Index is Our Map
4. Clove Hitch
Always Be Annotating
Comment Your Code
Add Aura to Paper
Metadata for the Machine
5. Fishing Knot
Over & Out
Sent Does Not Mean Received
Address all Points
Finish Open Threads
6. Taut-Line Hitch
Do No Harm
To Yourself
To the Team
To the Planet
7. Running Knot
Be Patient
Measure Twice, Cut Once
Know Yourself
Learn to See Slow Growth
8. Figure-8 Knot
Be Thankful
To New York
To Technology
To Ourselves
9. Lariat Loop
Resolve Problems
Remember the Human