WA - Washington

Motto: Al-ki

Bird: American Goldfinch

Flower: Pacific Rhododendron

Mineral: Petrified Wood

Meal: Sushi, Coffee

Book: The Art of Racing in the Rain - Garth Stein

Song: Roll On, Columbia - Woody Guthrie


Roll On, Columbia - Woody Guthrie

 Roll on, Columbia, roll on
Roll on, Columbia, roll on
Your power is turning our darkness to dawn
So roll on, Columbia, roll on

Amid evergreen pines your waters cut through
Tumbling down mountains, carving canyons too
Canadian Northwest to the oceans so blue
Roll on Columbia, roll on

Other great rivers add power to you
Yakima, Snake, and the Klickitat, too
Sandy Willamette and Hood River too
So roll on, Columbia, roll on

Jefferson's vision would not let him rest
Sent Lewis and Clark to the Pacific Northwest
Pregnant Sacajewea did all the rest
So roll on, Columbia, roll on

At Bonneville now there are ships in the locks
The waters have risen and cleared all the rocks
Shiploads of plenty will steam past the docks
So roll on, Columbia, roll on

And on up the river is Grand Coulee Dam
The mightiest thing ever built by a man
To run the great fact’ries and water the land
So roll on, Columbia, roll on

These mighty folks labored by day and by night
Matching their strength with the river's great might
Through rapids and falls, the water gave flight
So roll on, Columbia, roll on