Minecraft II

This is an expansion of the Excelsior! post 2016 - 08 - Rue de la Fleurs — implementing ideas from Christopher Alexander & co’s The Timeless Way of Building & A Pattern Language in the open-world construction videogame Minecraft.

  1. Independent Regions

  2. The Distribution of Towns

  3. City Country Fingers

  4. Agricultural Valleys

  5. Lace of Country Streets

  6. Country Towns

  7. The Countryside

  8. Mosaic of Subcultures

  9. Scattered Work

  10. Magic of the City

  11. Local Transport Areas

  12. Community of 7000

  13. Subculture Boundary

  14. Identifiable Neighborhood

  15. Neighborhood Boundary

  16. Web of Public Transportation

  17. Ring Roads

  18. Network of Learning

  19. Web of Shopping

  20. Mini-Buses

  21. Four-Story Limit

  22. Nine Per Cent Parking

  23. Parallel Roads

  24. Sacred Sites

  25. Access to Water

  26. Life Cycle

  27. Men and Women

  28. Eccentric Nucleus

  29. Density Rings

  30. Activity Nodes

  31. Promenade

  32. Shopping Street

  33. Night Life                                                                                                                                                            

  34. Interchange

  35. Household Mix

  36. Degrees of Publicness

  37. House Cluster

  38. Row Houses

  39. Housing Hill

  40. Old People Everywhere

  41. Work Community

  42. Individual Ribbon

  43. University as a Marketplace

  44. Local Town Hall

  45. Necklace of Community Projects

  46. Market of Many Shops

  47. Health Center

  48. Housing In Between

  49. Looped Local Roads

  50. T Junctions

  51. Green Streets

  52. Network of Paths and Cars

  53. Main Gateways

  54. Road Crossing

  55. Raised Walk

  56. Bike Paths and Racks

  57. Children in the City

  58. Carnival

  59. Quiet Backs

  60. Accessible Green

  61. Small Public Squares

  62. High Places

  63. Dancing in the Street

  64. Pools and Streams

  65. Birth Places

  66. Holy Ground

  67. Common Land

  68. Connected Play

  69. Public Outdoor Room

  70. Grave Sites

  71. Still Water

  72. Local Sports

  73. Adventure Playground

  74. Animals

  75. The Family

  76. House for a Small Family

  77. House for a Couple

  78. House for One Person

  79. Your Own Home

  80. Self-Governing Workshops and Offices

  81. Small Services Without Red Tape

  82. Office Connections

  83. Master and Apprentices

  84. Teenage Society

  85. Shopfront Schools

  86. Children’s Home

  87. Individually Owned Shops

  88. Street Cafe

  89. Corner Grocery

  90. Beer Hall

  91. Traveler’s Inn

  92. Bus Stop

  93. Food Stands

  94. Sleeping In Public

  95. Building Complex

  96. Number of Stories

  97. Shielded Parking

  98. Circulation Realms

  99. Main Building

  100. Pedestrian Street

  101. Building Thoroughfare

  102. Family of Entrances

  103. Small Parking Lots

  104. Site Repair

  105. South Facing Outdoors

  106. Positive Outdoor Space

  107. Wings of Light

  108. Connected Buildings

  109. Long Thin House

  110. Main Entrance

  111. Half-Hidden Garden

  112. Entrance Transition

  113. Car Connection

  114. Hierarchy of Open Space

  115. Courtyards Which Live

  116. Cascade of Roofs

  117. Sheltering Roof

  118. Roof Garden

  119. Arcades

  120. Paths and Goals

  121. Path Shape

  122. Building Fronts

  123. Pedestrian Density

  124. Activity Pockets

  125. Stair Seats

  126. Something Roughly in the Middle

  127. Intimacy Gradient

  128. Indoor Sunlight

  129. Common Areas at the Heart

  130. Entrance Room

  131. The Flow Through Rooms

  132. Short Passages

  133. Staircase as a Stage

  134. Zen View

  135. Tapestry of Light and Dark

  136. Couple’s Realm

  137. Children’s Realm

  138. Sleeping to the East

  139. Farmhouse Kitchen

  140. Private Terrace on the Street

  141. A Room of One’s Own

  142. Sequence of Sitting Spaces

  143. Bed Cluster

  144. Bathing Room

  145. Bulk Storage

  146. Flexible Office Space

  147. Communal Eating

  148. Small Work Groups

  149. Reception Welcomes You

  150. A Place to Wait

  151. Small Meeting Rooms

  152. Half-Private Office

  153. Rooms to Rent

  154. Teenager’s Cottage

  155. Old Age Cottage

  156. Settled Work

  157. Home Workshop

  158. Open Stairs

  159. Light on Two Side of Every Room

  160. Building Edge

  161. Sunny Place

  162. North Face

  163. Outdoor Room

  164. Street Windows

  165. Opening to the Street

  166. Gallery Surround

  167. Six-Foot Balcony

  168. Connection to the Earth

  169. Terraced Slope

  170. Fruit Trees

  171. Tree Places

  172. Garden Growing Wild

  173. Garden Wall

  174. Trellised Walk

  175. Greenhouse

  176. Garden Seat

  177. Vegetable Garden

  178. Compost

  179. Alcoves

  180. Window Place

  181. The Fire

  182. Eating Atmosphere

  183. Workspace Enclosure

  184. Cooking Layout

  185. Sitting Circle

  186. Communal Sleeping

  187. Marriage Bed

  188. Bed Alcove

  189. Dressing Room

  190. Ceiling Height Variety

  191. The Shape of Indoor Space

  192. Windows Overlooking Life

  193. Half-Open Wall

  194. Interior Windows

  195. Staircase Volume

  196. Corner Doors

  197. Thick Walls

  198. Closets Between Rooms

  199. Sunny Counter

  200. Open Shelves

  201. Waist-High Shelf

  202. Built-In Seats

  203. Child Caves

  204. Secret Place

  205. Structure Follows Social Spaces

  206. Efficient Structure

  207. Good Materials

  208. Gradual Stiffening

  209. Roof Layout

  210. Floor and Ceiling Layout

  211. Thickening the Outer Walls

  212. Columns at the Corners

  213. Final Column Distribution

  214. Root Foundations

  215. Ground Floor Slab

  216. Box Columns

  217. Perimeter Beams

  218. Wall Membranes

  219. Floor-Ceiling Vaults

  220. Roof Vaults

  221. Natural Doors and Windows

  222. Low Sill

  223. Deep Reveals

  224. Low Doorway

  225. Frames at Thickened Edges

  226. Column Place

  227. Column Connection

  228. Stair Vault

  229. Duct Space

  230. Radiant Heat

  231. Dormer Windows

  232. Roof Caps

  233. Floor Surface

  234. Lapped Outside Walls

  235. Soft Inside Walls

  236. Windows Which Open Wide

  237. Solid Doors with Glass

  238. Filtered Light

  239. Small Panes

  240. Half-Inch Trim

  241. Seat Spots

  242. Front Door Bench

  243. Sitting Wall

  244. Canvas Roofs

  245. Raised Flowers

  246. Climbing Plants

  247. Paving With Cracks Between the Stones

  248. Soft Tile and Brick

  249. Ornament

  250. Warm Colors

  251. Different Chairs

  252. Pools of Lights

  253. Things From Your Life