Hyde Park


Heavenly Hyde Park on a day of July
Gift of solace from the broiling bowels
Of London town and her lipid pulses
Where the breath of the serpentine
Stands hairs at attention 

Watching the swans and feathered hats
Change guard soiled on unassailable shores
Hyde Park crackles under my shoes
Crispy free paths of the summer sun
As hands swing the hour round

They are encompassed of their direction
And all roads lead to that trust
The Brits know how to build a park
Says Laura from my pocket
She once escaped here as well

Laughing at serenity, now a while
From the busy of business bustle
The setting sun plays the florist 
Over Kensington Palace rose 
And bursting peonies of eventide

Hush the park at first from the shadowy
Spots down lush lanes that hang 
Like duskiness itself a portent
All know the Park closes at dark
And the city has us hedged in