4PG014 - Midge Wattles
Here we have a piece from the Period of Great Wandering. Long before the modern Epochs, before the settling of Peridot Green, small groups of bunnies lived in burrows fashioned in the wild. Constantly driven from one place to the next by predators and great droves of the hareless, they became a tough breed. The Period of Great Wandering began with a mass exodus from the grasslands led by Langear Greyd. Lost over the endless rainy grass dunes the wattles of weary bunnies looked worn, but Langear persisted. Using a midge of moonstone she navigated the overcast grey skies until they finally arrived at the lush landscape now known as Peridot Green. Artists at this time worked continually on the move and their art was frequently lost to the perils of itinerancy, or the avarice of ravenous Galries that would prey on the herd in search of a new warren.
This rare piece captures this period in all of its ambulation.