Bluebird and Finch review methods of disentangling data bodies from surveillance capitalism.
Finch and Bluebird compare the emotional responses to DALL-E and LaMDA, two contemporary AI-driven interactive platforms.
Bluebird and Albatross noticed an interesting parallel in the way Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison and Understanding Media by Marshall McLuhan talk about electric light.
Bluebird and Finch revisit the topic of provenance, given all the updates to the field that have happened since 2018’s Provenance post.
Finch and Bluebird play the new Switch edition of Pokémon Snap, and consider the Nintendo console’s visual cortex.
Chorus / Echoes / Refrain — an exquisite corpse style poem by Pigeon, Albatross & Bluebird.
Finch and Bluebird write a new description of the Machine Learning algorithm known as a Random Forest.
Albatross writes a poem, meant to be read aloud around the campfire, to all the cryptid beasties hiding in the woods.
Albatross writes a poem for Greta Thunberg as we share in her collective rage for our planet.
After four months quarantined apart despite living ten blocks away from each other, Finch and Bluebird reunite via Nintendo Switch’s Animal Crossing.
Finch & Bluebird reflect on COVID-19, self-quarantined in our NYC apartments. We issue a plea for thoughtful robotic invention.
Albatross does an original translation of Rilke’s poem, Herbsttag (Autumn Days).
Bluebird, Starling & Finch stumbled upon these characters while researching patch designs, and decided to make them our mascot for the year 2019.
Albatross, Bluebird, Finch & Cardinal share the bibliography of their Planted Border research.
Finch & Bluebird continue to explore the good and bad metaphors used to describe modern phenomena and systems.
Finch and Bluebird explore the misappropriation of animal and human labor as a sales technique.
Finch reflects on the work of Janet Vertesi, who explores the human systems behind great technological advances.
Finch and Bluebird look at Adversarial Machine Learning in Part 4/4 of our Campbell-inspired series.
Albatross, Bluebird, Finch & Cardinal dig around in the world of poisonous, vining, thorny flora in Part 3/4 of our Campbell-inspired series.
Albatross, Bluebird & Finch compare Hector the dog to The Temple Dragon in Part 2/4 of our Campbell-inspired series.
Albatross, Bluebird & Finch mine Joseph Campbell for archetypes applicable to American Cyborg's journey, Part 1/4.
After taking the leap from Artist Collective to LLC, we decided to look at our journey through two frameworks.
Albatross’ poem in the dialectal style of Robert Burns, but in Pittsburghese instead of Scottish.
Albatross sings a song of Mars, as he sews twin sail-making tricoteuse into his plotline.
Finch invites Stephanie Lam to present her take on naturecams, in tandem with Joseph Moore's photographic work on the same theme.
Bluebird rewrites Anna Sewell’s 1877 novel Black Beauty from the point of view of a self-driving Ford Mustang.
Albatross’ sci-fi story inspired by the legend of the Jade Rabbit who lives on the Moon.
Bluebird and DALL-E experiment with sacred imagery, and try to envision a Hilma af Klint & Donna Haraway inspired temple.